Struggling with the challenges? In this guide on How To Complete All Challenges In Dragon Ball Legends we’ll guide you through the different challenges you’ll face throughout the game including tips on how to complete each of the challenges so you can maximize your rewards throughout the Story Mode.
Similar to past Dragon Ball games, Dragon Ball Legends features varying Challenges on each Story Mode mission. Completing the challenges rewards you with Chrono Crystals, the games premium currency used for Summoning new fighters to join your team. If you complete all Challenges on any one specific Story Mode mission, you are rewarded with Rare Medals, a truly valuable resource that can be used to buy items in the Exchange Shop. As such, it’s always a good idea to complete every Challenge when you can.
Below is a list of Challenges in Dragon Ball Legends that we’ve encountered so far. Many of them scale in difficulty as you progress. For example, Land a Ki Blast Skill 1 time(s) later becomes a 2 time(s). As such we have listed these below and replaced the number with an X. The objective is the same, it’s just the amount of times you must do it that differs.
Get A Perfect Win
Defeat all opponents and clear the fight without taking damage
Clear Without A Single Casualty
Defeat all opponents and clear the fight without having anyone in your party knocked out (reduced to 0 HP)
Land A Strike Skill X Times
Use a Red Arts Card to successfully land a Strike Skill
Land A Ki Blast Skill X TimesLand A Special Move X Time
Successfully hit the enemy with a Special Move. These are the blue electric type Arts Cards.
Use A Special Skill X Time
Successfully use a Special Skill. These are the Green Arts Cards.
Use Main Ability X Time
You must use your Main Ability during the battle. This is the ability that is initiated when you click the characters portrait in battle. Usually, the battle must have progressed a certain amount before you can use these abilities.
Dodge X Attack With Vanishing Step
Swiping in any direction will cause your character to dodge with Vanishing Step. Wait for a ! to appear above your characters head then prepare to dodge. Successfully dodging attacks this way completes this challenge.
Do X Switches
Tag in your party members a number of times to complete this Challenge
Land The Rising Rush
Using your Arts Cards, collect all of the Dragon Balls. Then successfully land a Rising Rush ability.
Land A Final KO With Rising Rush
Using your Arts Cards, collect all of the Dragon Balls. Then defeat the final opponent with the Rising Rush ability.
Battle With 1 GRE / RED / YEL / PUR / BLU Characters Or More
Bring 1 or more Green / Red / Yellow / Purple / Blue characters with you in your party.
Land An Attack X Times With GRE / RED / YEL / PUR / BLU Characters
Land any attack with a Green / Red / Yellow / Purple / Blue character.
Challenge Complete
This is automatically completed once you complete all previous Challenges in a Story Mode. You receive 10 Rare Medals
We are constantly updating our guide on How To Complete All Challenges In Dragon Ball Legends so check back soon for updates.
Similar to past Dragon Ball games, Dragon Ball Legends features varying Challenges on each Story Mode mission. Completing the challenges rewards you with Chrono Crystals, the games premium currency used for Summoning new fighters to join your team. If you complete all Challenges on any one specific Story Mode mission, you are rewarded with Rare Medals, a truly valuable resource that can be used to buy items in the Exchange Shop. As such, it’s always a good idea to complete every Challenge when you can.
Below is a list of Challenges in Dragon Ball Legends that we’ve encountered so far. Many of them scale in difficulty as you progress. For example, Land a Ki Blast Skill 1 time(s) later becomes a 2 time(s). As such we have listed these below and replaced the number with an X. The objective is the same, it’s just the amount of times you must do it that differs.
Get A Perfect Win
Defeat all opponents and clear the fight without taking damage
Clear Without A Single Casualty
Defeat all opponents and clear the fight without having anyone in your party knocked out (reduced to 0 HP)
Land A Strike Skill X Times
Use a Red Arts Card to successfully land a Strike Skill
Land A Ki Blast Skill X TimesLand A Special Move X Time
Successfully hit the enemy with a Special Move. These are the blue electric type Arts Cards.
Use A Special Skill X Time
Successfully use a Special Skill. These are the Green Arts Cards.
Use Main Ability X Time
You must use your Main Ability during the battle. This is the ability that is initiated when you click the characters portrait in battle. Usually, the battle must have progressed a certain amount before you can use these abilities.
Dodge X Attack With Vanishing Step
Swiping in any direction will cause your character to dodge with Vanishing Step. Wait for a ! to appear above your characters head then prepare to dodge. Successfully dodging attacks this way completes this challenge.
Do X Switches
Tag in your party members a number of times to complete this Challenge
Land The Rising Rush
Using your Arts Cards, collect all of the Dragon Balls. Then successfully land a Rising Rush ability.
Land A Final KO With Rising Rush
Using your Arts Cards, collect all of the Dragon Balls. Then defeat the final opponent with the Rising Rush ability.
Battle With 1 GRE / RED / YEL / PUR / BLU Characters Or More
Bring 1 or more Green / Red / Yellow / Purple / Blue characters with you in your party.
Land An Attack X Times With GRE / RED / YEL / PUR / BLU Characters
Land any attack with a Green / Red / Yellow / Purple / Blue character.
Challenge Complete
This is automatically completed once you complete all previous Challenges in a Story Mode. You receive 10 Rare Medals
We are constantly updating our guide on How To Complete All Challenges In Dragon Ball Legends so check back soon for updates.
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